Greening two chemicals with one bio-alcohol: environmental and economic potential of dehydrogenation to hydrogen and acids
GH2 researchers assess the environmental and economic potential of bio-based multi-product systems and provide insights on the sustainability benefits of co-producing hydrogen and high-value acids from bio-alcohols compared to fossil and green alternatives.
Why Perfume May Hold the Key to Mass Producing Green Hydrogen
Perfume may help lower the cost of mass producing green hydrogen.
Simultaneous Photocatalytic Production of H2 and Acetal from Ethanol with Quantum Efficiency over 73% by Protonated Poly(heptazine imide) under Visible Light
Discover how GH2 Project researchers obtained protonated poly(heptazine imide) (H-PHI) by adding acid to the suspension of potassium PHI (K-PHI) in ethanol.
Events: Where Can You Find Us?
Members of the GH2 consortium showcased some of the cutting edge research and innovations emanating from our project during 2024.
EU Innovation Radar Platforms Three GH2 Project Innovations
Three of the GH2 project’s key exploitable results have been listed on the EU’s Innovation Radar.
GH2 Project Converts Ethanol Into Green Hydrogen and Valuable Acetal
Advanced Biofuels USA features the GH2 project.
GH2 Project Converts Ethanol Into Green Hydrogen and Valuable Acetal
GH2 project research features in Hydrogen Central.
GH2 Project Newsletter: Read the Second Edition
Subscribe to get the latest updates from the GH2 project.
Sunny times for renewables as EU researchers look to make hydrogen from solar rays and heat
Engineers Ireland features the GH2 project.
EU Researchers are on a Quest to Make Hydrogen from Solar Rays and Heat
Modern Diplomacy feature the GH2 project.
Researchers are on a quest to make hydrogen from solar rays and heat
GH2 Project featured in TechXplore
Tapping the Sun for Renewable Hydrogen
Horizon - The EU Research & Innovation Magazine - Features the GH2 Project